
Wisdom of the Suburbs

These are samples from a photography series I did in my suburban neighborhood. I made simple changes to various street signs in order to give them a whole different meaning. This is a continuing project and may eventually venture out of my neighborhood. Having spent days trying to reinterpret street signs, I find it difficult to just simply read the sign and not ponder a use for it. It can be a somewhat dangerous habit on the highway.


An Iconoclastic Hobby

I've always festered a hatred for the German Hummel dolls. So, I've adopted an iconoclast's hobby of giving these rosy-cheeked children an "extreme makeover." This was my first attempt set juxtapose to its original state.

American Ashtray

I am very proud to have designed the poster for such an amazing play as American Ashtray. My good friend Elijah Allred wrote and directed the award winning play, American Ashtray, and later produced it during our attendance to Governor's School. It's virtually impossible to guess the plot of the play from the poster, let alone explain it, but one can infer the overall mood of the production.

Collages: Series #1